About the webmaster


The average week
Exam week
Summer Time
Site Map
Where does all the information on this website come from?

"Most of what you will read on this website comes from personal experience. But in order to provide a complete picture, I did some research online and asked some friends that have already finished the IB. The difference between what you will read here and what you can find online, is that this information is written by an IB candidate to an IB candidate, and therefore, all of it applies to our lifestyle. At the bottom of each page you will find a link to the website (if any) where some of the ideas were inspired from, as well as links that will provide you with further information about college and applications, that are not related to Time Management but are very useful" -Lorena Angel 24/03/06

About the webmaster:

Candidate Name: Lorena Margarita Angel Murcia
Candidate Number: 0202 003

Centre Name: Academia Británica Cuscatleca
Centre Number: 0202

The website was created as an ITGS standard project in March 2006.

You may contact Lorena at: angel_lo@abc.edu.sv