Site Map

The average week
Exam week
Summer Time
Site Map
Got lost? Not sure where to start? Well you're at the right place now! Bellow is a list of the pages in this website, with a brief description of their content.


The Average Week: Find tips on how to manage your time on any given IB week. A wide selection of ideas can be found as well as a few tables and charts demonstrating exactly how to organize yourself. Humor A few stress and time management jokes to help you relax.
Exam Week: When exam week comes along, the level of stress is greater and you will be needing different stategies to organize your time. Here you'll find out what you can do. Where does all this information come from? Learn about the Webmaster!
Applications: Apart from all the work and stress caused by the average IB week, at this time of the year, you'll have the whole Applying-to-college experience. Need help? You might also wish to take another peak at the
introductory presentation


Summer Time Tips and advice to help you manage all that "extra" time you are given during the summer vacation. Home You've probably visited the home page already, want to go back?