Exam week

The average week
Exam week
Summer Time
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Whether they are Monthly tests, Mid terms, finals, MOCK exams or the big IB exams, they all have one thing in common: They require plenty of study time.

Fortunately there's an easy way out. This is to pay attention during class. If you listen carefully to what the teacher has to say, complete all your class work during class, give in your home work the day it is due and ask any questions you might have on the topic, when the exams come, you'll realize that all you have to do, is go over your notes. This will help you save up plenty of time and increase your chances of obtaining high grades.

Below is a pie chart done in MS Excel to help show how your time should be divided during exam week.


Don't forget to get a good night sleep the night before the test and a decent breakfast that morning. You will need all the energy you can get!